Known worldwide for her iconic text-based works that examine consequences of capitalism, bodily autonomy, and more, Barbara Kruger is one of the most famous artists of the current moment. Her pieces often take the form of cryptic statements written in a sans serif font that recalls advertising copy; they’re printed on vinyl and black-and-white photographs, and have appeared in museums and public spaces around the world for four decades. 


Barbara Kruger Performa CommissionArt 21: Extended Play, video, 2018

MetroCards with Barbara Kruger Art are Coming to New York City, New York Times front-page print, Oct 29, 2017

Barbara Kruger: ‘Nobody should be surprised at Trump, Brexit, or white greviance’ Nadja Sayej, The Gaurdian, Nov 2017

Barbara Kruger’s Supreme Performance, Jamie Lauren Keiles, The New Yorker, November 12,